Less Waste, Lower Carbon

Trade Steel the Sustainable Way.

laser cutter

What we do for you

We strive to help engineering and construction companies get high quality, inexpensive, cutting services.

We also want to help the suppliers of these cutting services to reduce their waste during the cutting process and improve their carbon footprint.

That is where we come in!


We have developed a portal for smaller buyers without the cutting infastructure in place to reach larger manufacturers who do.
The buyers get their parts cheaper, and the sellers thank them for it becuase they have less wasted material.

All the buyer has to do is list a product they are in need of, by creating a listing on our portal. This will include a dxf file containing the parts drawing,the quantity needed, steel thickness and material type.

Sellers can make an offer to cut this part for them at a competitive price as they have space on their sheets which is ready to be filled, and would otherwise be wasted.

drawing on laptop

Secure Transactions

ReclaimMetals partners with Stripe to provide its customers with a streamlined and secure payment process.

Upon sign up to ReclaimMetals, a stripe account is created for each user.

Stripe provides a secure and easy checkout process making the buyer's experience much easier.

Comprehensive Pricing Experience

The sellers have access to a built in pricing tool to give their buyers the best possible deal for their parts.

The sellers also have an offer builder where their offer to buyers is split up into numerous parts making sure the buyer knows exactly what they are paying for.

shaking hands

Phone: +353 87 966 7937

Email: degenton@reclaimmetals.com

© 2025 - ReclaimMetals